September 2, 2009 journal, MSNBC reports today the U.S. dollar is no longer a reserve currency in the world. Do you ever wonder why a Jewish person has to be head of the Federal Reserve? Has there ever been a non-Jewish person head of the Federal Reserve? This is not the House of Israel but the House of Esau in the world most powerful position. Mystery Babylon sits just 200 miles north of the Department of the Treasury, Wall Street. The Seat of the Beast is actually North of the Hudson River a few feet. It seems to me that the Gentile banks are the ones being wiped out, that is to say all the little small banks. If they are not careful they are all going to be wiped out. The goofy churches have gone whoring off after the dollar or the dollar people which is to say the -J- people in power. There most likely is an undercurrent an alternative secret agenda we will learn about the hard way. The conspiracy or the conspirators in 1913 are the same conspirators today. Don't oppose City Hall or Citibank or you may find yourself and your family in the street. The U.S. dollar will go down with the banks and the banks will go down with the U.S.A. dollar because that is the only way it can work. The dollar made them all very rich and it will make them all very poor. The dollar has been the weapon of mass destruction for all. Why has a Kissinger figure always been in charge of our military policies war mongering. America has been had and still does not know what the problem is in a barrel of rottened apples. My message is confirmed by Texe Marrs saying "The fourth Baron de Rothschild Lord Jacob Rothschild of Great Britain has been called the 21st century's "King of Israel", He and other Rothschilds preside over the planets greatest banking cartel, and Wall Street firms Goldman sacks, Morgan Stanley, Citibank, and others bow to Rothschild dictates. Politicians in world capitals, Washington, D.C., Rome, Paris, and Tokyo grovel before their awesome power. These Russian Khazars fathered communism through Karl Marx. I am finished with credit cards and my credit rating which I have frozen but Equifax still gives it out for money. You mean to tell me they actually sell my credit information, yes they do and it is big business for them so they violate the law to continue to sell my soul. At 32% I will never see daylight in my life so I have become a conscientious objector. I will no longer pay biblically forbidden interest usury to this bunch of Babylons from Mystery Babylon that doomed city known better as the Big Apple "That Great City". Bananas are an important source to alkaline the blood to balance the acidic foods we eat. Actually bananas are an important source of potassium which is liquid like to quench thirst being like glucose. I have just rebegan eating a half-bananas because there's one half laying there each morning for me and I did not want to see it go to waste. The acid seems high for me but it may be just my imagination. After receiving your banana information on bananas I am convinced to eat more of them bananas to stay hydrated and healthy. The jackboots are out in full force commanding the highways and byways threatening the people after someone last my shot at an officer. I 85 was lined with unmarked cars that had dozens of people stopped in Spartanburg County. What a police state we do live in. Paint a picture of health unhealthy. Today I am all but finished my painting entitled 'All medical leads to chemotherapy & death', the painting has little crosses & whites snakes. This evil symbol is from the pagan god Zeus and not based on the Old Testament Bible. "Wells Fargo is hinting at just how bad it REALLY IS and the Ponzi scheme that our banksters have concocted could come unwound so frighteningly fast that our government and moron central banksters are unable or unwilling to deal with it. The Far East markets are primed for a major fall tonight. Watch the metals, oil, Yen, Euro and Aussie Dollar tonight. This could get ugly and fast. Any drops of 5% or more in Shanghai and India will trigger a new wave of selling in Europe and possibly in the U.S. Watch out for falling banksters and daggers gang. The VIX is about to trip back over the magic 30 number and with 3 days until the unemployment lie is told, a lot of news is going to hit going into a holiday weekend before the big boys land their G550's on Monday night back at their private airports". This is an interesting speculation and is a real possibility, its September. Stock markets are all fixed and the American Stock Market has brakes when it drops. a predator debt collector Michael J. Hanna of Marietta Georgia. In these troubled times what is worse than people losing their jobs, homes, and their cars is the harsh and unmerciful debt collection agencies collecting old credit-card bills from people whether they owe it or not using threats and torturous, up to terrorize people. Such is the case of Frederick J. Hanna and Associates, PC 1427 Roswell Rd., Marietta Georgia. Please visit the Internet to see all the complaints posted against him and his gang of thugs which need to be put out of business. the banks still hold lot revenge against their customers that do not pay by dropping them into the pit of hell where Hannah is the devil. They torture people like death until they beat the last drop of blood. What will it take to stop this scavenger maniac and all his demonic collectors? The dollar is the vehicle by which they torture for, I wonder when the dollar collapses if they will. According to published reports Hanna now claims to be above the law as an attorney and only subject to the Bar Association of Georgia. He has other collection agencies under other names and other states including Las Vegas and operates like a mobster from what I can see. I request his activities be investigated and properly dealt with. You may know that the attorney general of the state of New York has filed a lawsuit to overturn 100,000 default judgments against credit card debtors because of the unethical and most often illegal way in which they were obtained. Hanna is using the U.S. mail to torture people. The letter and in for receive from Hanna copy enclosed shows have all he stroke they intimidate and threaten alluding to a judgment which does not exist but most innocent people do not ever have a chance to respond to those false charges. I trust you will seriously look done to this persecutor of unfortunate people in these troubled economic times. When people pay money to Michael J. Hanna they are most likely will never get credit for it and never get the bill paid off. I can see multi violations of law in their activities. Hanna takes the law into his own hands obviously. He claims to be receiving 50,000 new collection accounts every month so this means the nation is in a very serious situation. If he is abusing that many people he surely needs to be immediately stopped. You will see the Georgia Governor's Office is attempting to shut them down but they are still operating and taking federally protected money from bank accounts in addition to money that is not owed. They lie, cheat and steal and do anything to collect money like Black Water people do in Afghanistan, Iraq, and in New Orleans. Now they're showing pictures of naked security contractors formally called blackwater partying naked in Afghanistan. What a disgrace the United States is to the world. There is reported to be more American private contractors in Afghanistan than there are soldiers, same for Iraq. Bring these weird varmints home or disown them leaving them to the devil in that hell. These repulsive alps should be turned over to the Moslems for justice. America is coming home for economic reasons. It's about to be a tsunami catastrophe in American banking.